
Tina Goldstein (Katherine Waterston) has the Hermione role and Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) has the Potter role as a defender of Magical Beasts.


Film Review by Marlene Ardoin

The “Fantastic Beasts” magical clan in New York does not have the warmth of its English, “Harry Potter” counterpart.

It does not feel like 70 years back in time, rather like 70 years ahead of time. The United States does not have the castles and New York definitely does not have the English countryside. I think it should have started in England, just for reference.

Eddie Redmayne staring as Newt Scamander has the Potter role as a defender of Magical Beasts. In 2014, he starred as Stephen Hawking in “The Theory of Everything” and in 2016, Redmayne starred in the biographical drama “The Danish Girl,” which I could not get out of my mind while I was watching this movie.

What I would have liked to see was Newt capturing those beasts, in England and in other countries, then going to New York. It is not clear why he is going to New York.  Why not just go straight to Arizona to release his creatures?

Katherine Waterston staring as Tina Goldstein, has the Hermione Granger role, but is a sorry version of her. Tina is a failure as an auror.  She lacks the intelligence, pluck and inventiveness of a Hermione.  She looks less powerful and she is less powerful.  I would have liked to see her blossom into her power.

I found it hard to believe that Tina could have held onto Newt, without his polite co-operation. This is a very lop-sided partnership.

Turns out, Tina has a sister, Queenie Goldstein (Alison Sudol), who usurps all the sex appeal, beauty and heart, in her role. Too bad she prefers non-magical folk as possible suitors, Jacob Kowalski (Dan Fogler).

 Queenie seems to appreciate Jacob’s appreciation of her cooking.  Okay, this is playing it too traditional.  They keep Jacob around because he is so likeable?

Toward the end of this story, the magical beasts lose the focus. Now, we need to pay attention to magical children who have been abused by non-magical folk. Harry Potter was abused, but he never became a monster.

To tie this story together, Newt could have tamed this child, just like he does his magical beasts. That would have tied this story together better for me.

Are they a magical clan in New York, or vampires in New York? I was left with a very cold, disappointed feeling.

Screen-writer, J. K. Rowling, seems to suffer under the pressure of trying crank something out. I like it when she is adventurous and really knows and loves her territory.

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11/28/2016 # Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.


Warcraft , swordfight

Lothar is a knight who has sacrificed everything to keep the Kingdom safe.

Warcraft, half-blood

Garona Halforcen, a strong-willed half-orc survivor caught between the Alliance and the Horde.


By Marlene Ardoin

“Warcraft” combines every beautiful stroke of fantasy as it tells a tale of how two perfectly evolved people use their strengths to bring peace and sustainability to the world. Think of “Lord of the Rings”, “Harry Potter” and the Bible intertwined with each other.

From “Lord of the Rings”, “Warcraft” gives us a (spoiler alert) protector wizard type, who becomes corrupted.

From “Harry Potter”, we have magicians who use magic to extract the life force from one being for another, leaving death and destruction in the wake. Also, we are shown parents who are willing to sacrifice their own lives for the survival of their child.  Love is a major theme. 

These characters weigh the greatest good in their decision making. For example, a king is willing to sacrifice himself for the future peace and survival of his kingdom.

From the Bible, we have a mother who sets her baby adrift in a stream, swaddled in a basket, just like Moses.

“Warcraft” also reminds me of the Prince Valiant series. The humans depicted are very medieval and handy with swords. Even when confronted with the mighty Orcs, who are three times their strength and size, they fight with fearless honor, just like David and Goliath.

And, fantasy is not true fantasy without beautiful, strong women. Paula Patton as Garona, who is half human and half Orc, teaches us compassion and tolerance for those not like us.

What I love about fantasy is its ability to present touchy topics that are too painful to look at in any other way. Likewise, we get to try out different emotions like courage and honor.

Warcraft opened with $26 million in North America and $280.5 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $306.5 million, against a budget of $160 million. It was China’s biggest two-day box-office premiere ever, opening with $156 million.  What is it that other countries see that we do not?

6/20/16 # Warcraft