Guy wants to capture the moment with Maggie.
John and Maggie communicate, sort of.
By Marlene Ardoin
“Maggie’s Plan” is about the complex world of modern sexual politics, which is getting more and more complex as we speak.
Greta Gerwig stars as Maggie, who is beginning to feel her biological clock ticking, with no soul mate in sight. She insists on love, but no one has matched her expectations, so far.
Maggie has managed to get a good education, and she has launched a career that she can feel good about, helping others get their product ideas off the ground. One of her clients has developed a doll that reveals the internal organs. We see Maggie helping her client make the presentation for financing.
With warnings, yet support from friends, Maggie decides to move forward with giving birth on her own. And, she is very meticulous about finding a gene donor who matches all her criteria. She appears to be far more motivated towards having a baby, than towards finding a mate.
Her perfect match is a pickle entrepreneur, Guy (Travis Fimmel), who studied mathematics just for the love of it, and who enjoys ice skating. Maggie likes his pickles, his philosophy, his ice skating, and his excellent health, but does not take his offer to just have the baby naturally. She wants him to put his semen in a jar.
Maggie is wary of intimate relations, and for good reason. As the story progresses, she meets an unhappy married man, John (Ethan Hawke), who is married to a successful writer, Georgette, played by Julianne Moore.
John has chosen Georgette, because he also wants to be a writer, and Georgette, has chosen him, because her biological clock was ticking. Two children later, he does not feel supported enough by Georgette. I really hate to make this analogy, but it appears that John is living off both women, in return for his sperm.
Emotional naiveté, vulnerability and just plain letting down her guard steers Maggie’s plan way off course.
She is not one to just settle in the wrong groove. Maggie’s solution is brutally honest, yet compassionate. It is hard admitting that she has made a mistake, but Maggie’s final plan involves getting out of that mistake with the highest good for all concerned. This film is well worth the time.
6/8/2016 # Maggie’s Plan