Rebecca (Malma Weissman) shares her feelings with Mr Fuzzypants (Kevin Spacey)
By Marlene Ardoin
Jennifer Garner is luminous in “Nine Lives.” She is so wise and tender. The noble theme is not to become so busy in life that you do not have time to enjoy the beauty in your life. And, that beauty is not another tall building designed by business tycoon, Tom Brand (Kevin Spacey).
Beauty is represented everywhere in this film. Tom’s beautiful wife, Lara (Jennifer Garner), his daugher, Rebecca (Malma Weissman), Rebecca’s birthday cake (spectacular!!) when she turns eleven, and Tom as a cat, himself. He is magnificent in that form.
Tom’s transformation occurs shortly after stopping by Felix Perkin’s (Christopher Walken) pet shop to pick out a cat, Mr Fuzzypants, for his daughter’s birthday. For maybe the first time, he is forced to become a part of his own family.
He also has a wonderful son, David Brand (Robbie Amell) from his first marriage, who is trying his best to make his father proud of him. David goes to heart-wrenching great lengths to do this.
This film has beautiful characters, Jennifer Garner and Christopher Walken as the cat whisperer stand out for me. There is also a lot of go-for-the-crotch slap stick in this, but overall, I came away feeling glad that I saw this film.
8/28/16 # Nine Lives