Sally Field, accountant, with Max Greenfield, the company’s new art director
13 year old shows Doris (Sally Field) how to use Facebook
By Marlene Ardoin
Sally Field portrays what it is like for every woman who is over 40 years old, in “Hello, My Name is Doris.” Usually, after 40 years old, women become invisible. However, that is not the case for Doris. She is very mindful of her personal appearance and personal space. It is not her fault that she is disrespected, not only by her family, but also by her co-workers.
As the film opens, we discover that Doris has sacrificed her life to taking care of her aging mother, who has just passed away. She is in a state of grief and bewilderment of her new found freedom.
In addition, no sooner has her mother been laid to rest, than her long, lost brother shows up with his wife, to proceed to pressure Doris into selling her childhood home and everything in it. The sentiment is to get in on the financial action. This is all Doris has for security, so they also provide her with a counselor, who can aid Doris in the letting go part.
Even in her grief, Doris proves not to be such an easy doormat. She works as an accountant at work, and has been an accountant for many years. She may have a big heart, but she is not a dummy.
Luckily, Doris has great friends, who give her real, emotional support. At this point in her life, her friend’s thirteen year old grand-daughter, really helps to cheer her up, because Doris is attracted to a new employee at the office, the new art director, played by Max Greenfield. It is suggested that Doris is emotionally a thirteen year old, but rather the intrigue, aggressiveness and angst of a teen, than a mature, self-centered narcissist.
Doris is worthy of friendship, because she is a giver by nature. Just as Doris rocks her colorful outfits, she fights hard for her new life.
She is great company at a concert and even opens a Facebook account. To Doris’s dismay, the young art director has a beautiful, young girlfriend, who sings, but somehow, was not present at the electro-pop band concert that her boyfriend attends.
Doris has a lot to offer in a relationship. Doris offers interest, enthusiasm, empathy, fun and passion. Not only that, but she has a home on Staten Island, she cooks, she is open to new experiences, and Doris is open to a great, big change in her life.
If you are a woman, and over 40 years old, I think you might enjoy this one.
4/14/16 # Hello, My Name Is Doris